Enterprise Sales

Blog tagged as Enterprise Sales

The Myth that is Undermining Your Sales

The myth undermining your sales misconception that buyers are necessarily 70% of the way through the buying process before engaging with sales. I call this common sales myth the Buyer Journey Fallacy.

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Three Elements of a B2B Sales Strategy  that Drive Sales

Have you spent a lot of time or money building a Strategic Plan, and you're still struggling with sales? Chances are, you're missing three critical pieces that often get left out of Strategic Plans; Market Position, Ideal Customer Criteria, and Value Proposition. It isn't enough to leave these eleme...

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
7 Steps to Build a Successful Sales Strategy

What comes to mind when thinking about a successful sales strategy?
We have all been in meetings talking about coming up with a successful sales strategy when someone says, “We can sit around planning forever, or we can just get going and do something.” And rightly so. Strategy without execution is a...

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Tips For Your First Sales Playbook
Creating your first sales playbook may seem daunting, but this article will get your started.
13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
SOS: Do You Need to Increase Sales?

If you need consistent, predictable, year-over-year increases in sales, you need a Sales Operating System (SOS) to drive sales.


Most CEOs w...

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Got Entrepreneurial ADD? Strategy Can Save You!

Do you go to a trade show, listen to a podcast, or read an article, then suddenly find yourself ready to implement something new? Do you get going in one direction then get sidetracked by something new and exciting? Does your team feel like you are continually changing your mind?


If you answer ...

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
The Magic Funnel 

OK, the funnel isn’t magic, but sometimes the simplicity of it is magical.  Managing selling work can be overwhelming.  Depending on the number of buyers involved and the length of the sales cycle, there can be a lot to keep track of.  Thank goodness for ...

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Right Now, Your Message Matters More Than Ever

Selling in an increasingly virtual world means continually adapting to new demands. Learning new technology, then learning to be effective using the latest technology. It means communicating with an increasingly distracted audience and figuring out how to get and keep their attention—your message ma...

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Manage Your Business with the Funnel
Your funnel is a critical part of executing both business and sales strategies. Once you establish goals, the funnel is the tool that tells you whether or not you are on track to hit those goals and what it will take to get you back on track.
13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Key Account Management for Growth

One important lesson learned in 2020 is the importance of Key Account Management. When getting new business is as difficult as it was for many companies in 2020, maintaining and growing existing accounts is critical. But it's not just crucial in lean years. It is essential all the time. It doesn't m...

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)