Liz Heiman

Liz Heiman

Blog by Liz Heiman

Right Now, Your Message Matters More Than Ever

Selling in an increasingly virtual world means continually adapting to new demands. Learning new technology, then learning to be effective using the latest technology. It means communicating with an increasingly distracted audience and figuring out how to get and keep their attention—your message ma...

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Manage Your Business with the Funnel
Your funnel is a critical part of executing both business and sales strategies. Once you establish goals, the funnel is the tool that tells you whether or not you are on track to hit those goals and what it will take to get you back on track.
13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Key Account Management for Growth

One important lesson learned in 2020 is the importance of Key Account Management. When getting new business is as difficult as it was for many companies in 2020, maintaining and growing existing accounts is critical. But it's not just crucial in lean years. It is essential all the time. It doesn't m...

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Sales Positioning for B2B Growth

Consistent business growth is the result of careful planning and management.  What is often missing, however, is positioning. It is essential to position your company for growth. You do some of those things already. You position yourself by getting your product developed, hiring the right team,...

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Understand Your Prospect: Ideal Customer and Buyer Persona

The secret to selling successfully is knowing who you are selling to and what matters to them. The more complex your sale, the more difficult it is to figure out what is important to each buyer, and the more important it is to do it.

13.01.22 04:27 PM - Comment(s)